В свежем номере газеты International New York Times

22.01.2016 16:45:24 (GMT+12)

В свежем номере газеты International New York Times
Zika Virus May be Linked to Surge in Rare Syndrome in Brazil  

Brazilian officials said that Zika, a virus linked to brain damage in infants, may be causing an increase in the number of cases of Guillain-Barré, an autoimmune condition.

Database Tracks 'Tigers and Flies' Caught in Xi Jinping's Corruption Crackdown  

ChinaFile has compiled an online visual database of all the corruption cases that have ensnared senior and low-ranking officials since Mr. Xi took power.  

Putin 'Probably Approved' Litvinenko Poisoning, British Inquiry Says  

The finding represented by far the most damning official link between the 2006 death of Alexander V. Litvinenko, an ex-K.G.B. officer, and the highest levels of the Kremlin.

Assessing the Road to the Syrian Peace Talks  

A look at the hurdles and the possibilities related to the negotiations diplomats hope to begin on Monday.

China Uses Foreigners' Televised Confessions to Serve Its Own Ends  

A Swedish man's confession on state television is the latest case of China broadcasting self-criticism as propaganda for an audience of hundreds of millions.

Italy's Famed Palio Horsemen Decline Royal Invitation  

Queen Elizabeth II's birthday celebrations in May will not feature representatives of the Palio race in Tuscany, who said their request for certain conditions was not met.  

In Canada, the 8-Dollar Cauliflower Shows the Pain of Falling Oil Prices  

As prices for commodities have dropped, the value of the Canadian dollar has fallen, a direct link to an economy that is dependent on oil and other resources.

俄罗斯外交部驻符拉迪沃斯托克代表处 / Представительство МИД России во Владивостоке

E-mail: mfa-vlad@yandex.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻哈巴罗夫斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Хабаровске

E-mail: khabarovsk@mid.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Петропавловске-Камчатском

E-mail: kamchatka@mid.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻南萨哈林斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Южно-Сахалинске

E-mail: sakhalin@mid.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻雅库茨克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Якутстке

E-mail: mid@sakha.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻布拉戈维申斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Благовещенске

E-mail: midamur@mail.ru

中华人民共和国驻符拉迪沃斯托克总领事馆 / Генеральное консульство Китайской Народной Республики во Владивостоке

总领馆网址: http://vladivostok.chineseconsulate.org/chn
Сайт Генерального консульства: http://vladivostok.chineseconsulate.org/rus

中华人民共和国驻哈巴罗夫斯克总领事馆 / Генеральное консульство Китайской Народной Республики в Хабаровске

总领馆网址: http://www.chinaconsulate.khb.ru/rus
Сайт Генерального консульства: http://www.chinaconsulate.khb.ru/rus

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